H4C Sharing Heritage Project
Sharing (Speculative) Stories of Civic Heritage: An Online Exhibition
Home for Cooperation and Imaginary Famagusta collaborated to organize a one-day workshop, titled “The Imaginary (Civic) Famagusta”, as part of the H4C Sharing Heritage project, on the 20th of February 2021.
The workshop brought together 24 young people and fostered a space in which they had the opportunity to imagine a shared future for Cyprus. Drawing from the tangible and intangible shared cultural heritage of our island, together, we explored the diverse role of marketplaces within an imagined Famagusta as a federal city.
Joined by local practices and international experts, we co-produced stories of marketplaces as spaces of social interaction and exchange that go well beyond monetary references. By assuming different roles in speculative stories taking place in these marketplaces, we explored how the intangible cultural heritage can act as the foundation towards reconciliation and common existence.
Roundtable 1: Situating the Stories allowed us to explore local experiences with contributions from Ellada Evangelou, Serdar Atai, Mertkan Hamit, Yiannis Toumazis.
Roundtable 2: Can we talk about alternative forms of exchange? opened up the space for interventions from international collaborators: João Felipe Wallig, Tatiana Pinto, Magnus Ericson and Pelin Tan.
Imaginary Famagusta members Chrysanthe Constantinou, Emre Akbil, Esra Can, Lara Anna Scharf, Munevver Ozgur Ozersay and Socrates Stratis moderated the roundtables in the morning and facilitated the ‘actors and agendas workshop’ in the afternoon.
The discussions during the day and participant’s inputs have contributed in populating the Hands-on Famagusta web platform: www.handsonfamagusta.org > Commoning Theme: Eco-Culture as Common Ground > Controversy No10: What if markets become Famagusta’s places for inclusive civic exchange in a united federal Cyprus?
The outcomes of this workshop are exhibited online at the Home for Cooperation website and on the Hands-on Famagusta Instagram page: @handsonfamagusta.
You are most welcome to join us in our projections for a shared heritage in Cyprus, starting from where else; Famagusta!
Click on the links below to view our online exhibition!
This exhibition is produced as a result of the ‘Home for Cooperation Sharing Heritage Project’ implemented by the Home for Cooperation in collaboration with Imaginary Famagusta, using funds of a Joint Project between the Euopean Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the offical opinion of the European Union or the Council of Europe.