Call for entries for the 3rd Buffer Fringe in Nicosia Cyprus 7-13 November 2016

The Buffer Fringe is a performing arts festival with an experimental style –organised by the Home for Cooperation since 2014, and provides a platform for alternative imaginaries and a meaningful contemporary art movement in Cyprus.

For this year’s Festival, we are looking for productions that are edgy, avant-garde and with minimal technical requirements. The time duration shall not be less than 30’ or more than 45′.

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: Tuesday, 15th June 2016

Eligible proposals will be evaluated by the Festival’s Artistic Proposals Selection Committee and the selected performances will be granted a fee of up to €750.

The Buffer Fringe Festival will provide: the venue*, 1 lighting technician, 1 sound technician, 1 surtitles operator, as well as promotion of each event through the Festival’s existing channels.

The Artistic Proposals Selection Committee is comprised by: Charalambia Theophanous, Evren Maner, Lia Haraki, Marina Neophytou, Marios Constantinides, Nickos Zavalis, Osman Ates, Sossee Eskidjian and Zehra Sonya.

All selected applicants will be required to hold a Q&A session in English, with the audience, at the end of the performance’s day.

A total of 4 (four) local productions will be selected. All performances will have surtitles in English and/or Greek and/or Turkish. The selected performances will need to provide their final text in at least one of these languages, by 15th September 2016.

The showcase will be held between 7 – 13 November 2016, in Nicosia.

How to apply?

Please complete the below application form and email it to by June 15th at 18:00 in English.

No application or participation fee!






TITLE: ______________________________________________________

CAST & CREW (Please list): _________________________________

LANGUAGE OF PRODUCTION: _____________________________

DURATION OF PRODUCTION: _______________________________

DESCRIPTION (max. 300 words): __________________________________

Short CV: Please attach all CVs to the application form

Preferred Venue*(Please select only one): _____________________________________

TECHNICAL RIDER**: Please send us the proposed technical requirements of your performance on a separate sheet

A short video & 3-5 photographs or links of the work

Special arrangements if applicable

All expenses regarding Copyrights for Scripts and/or Music are the responsibility of the applicant. Proof will need to be supplied to the Buffer Fringe Festival prior to the performance.



** The technical requirements of your production will be discussed with the technical team of the Festival and will need to be adjusted to the performance venue

*Suggested venues in the area, Home for Cooperation Glass Kiosk, EMAA exhibition space, Pallas, Arabahmet cultural centre, Kastelliotissa or you may suggest an alternative space within 2km radius from the Home for Cooperation

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