"9 Years in Cooperation"

In a regular time period, this week we would be celebrating the 9th anniversary of the Home for Cooperation through different events, joining together as always. This year, though our anniversary celebrations are overshadowed by the pandemic, our work is not.

We know that peace knows no boundaries – we have proved that over and over again, together with our partners, contributors, colleagues, interns and most importantly our followers and participants.

Our 9th anniversary fell in a period of physical division in Cyprus as a result of health crisis measures taken across the divide that showed us once again how vital the existence of the Home for Cooperation is. Therefore, our team continues to work on alternative programs and projects bringing different communities in Cyprus closer virtually for now, and preparing the ground for more until we can join together again in our Home and across the divide.

Currently, our biggest program – Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival – is accepting applications for its 7th edition; we are working with musicians across the divide for a surprise project, that we will be sharing more in the coming weeks; partnering up with local and international organizations on various projects involving youth, decision makers, artists; our language classes are taking place online and upcoming projects ready to be realized thanks to the support received from EEA and Norway Grants: Recipe Book, Musicians of Cyprus, Traditions in Cyprus, City Tours, workshops, campaigns and video interviews.

Our long term objective stands its ground in the face of all challenges and we are committed to overcoming all mental and physical barriers the division represents in Cyprus:

Home for Cooperation is a seed planted to grow in people’s minds, hearts and lives; and we will do our best to nurture it until it grows all over Cyprus. That is the sustainable peace in Cyprus, which is owned by all communities living on the island.

A big thank you to all our followers, participants, partners, collaborators, resident Ngo's, donors for supporting us along the way; the Home for Cooperation Governing Board for their devotion, belief and valuable guidance and our parent organization Association for Historical Dialogue & Research (AHDR); all our interns through 9 years from all over the world bringing in their expertise and energy and of course The Home for Cooperation staff – incredible women doing amazing work with endless passion and creativity.

We invite you to share photos, memories, stories you have about the Home for Cooperation with us, using hashtag #h4cstories #ourhomeis9 and let’s keep our hopes high that we will meet again soon!

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